Executive Producer Biographies – BARBARA AND DR. LEWIS HOLLWEG
Barbara Hollweg, born in New Orleans, LA, and reared in Port Arthur, TX, received her B.A. from Lamar University in 1967. She taught middle school English for two years before attending graduate school at Texas Christian University. Lewis Hollweg, born in Dallas, TX, received his B.A. in psychology from the University of Texas Austin in 1966. Lewis went on to complete degrees in psychology at Southern Methodist University and Texas Christian University with a M.A. in 1971 and a Ph.D. in 1973. After finishing his doctorate, Lewis joined forces with another psychologist and over the next almost forty years built a highly successful business consulting and web-based talent assessment company. In 2011, Lewis sold the firm to a large public human resource technology firm, which was subsequently sold to IBM. Until 2005 Lewis and Barbara’s lives revolved around Lewis’ profession and business, with Barbara taking over all aspects of a busy home life. There were regular trips to Europe and Asia which both thoroughly enjoyed; neither was interested in adventurous travel until they fell in love with African cultures and wildlife. Barbara purchased her first ‘good camera’, and her love of digital photography exploded. Since that time, the couple has been to Africa 20 times and has become involved in multiple wildlife and human conservation initiatives in Uganda, Kenya, and Zambia. Each found their passions: exploring multiple African countries; wandering through savannas, mountains, and forests; tracking gorillas; making life-long friends; and helping support non-profit endeavors. Barbara’s focus became helping to save orphaned and abused chimpanzees through financial contributions and creating marketing materials including websites and printed materials for Uganda’s Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary. The film Pant Hoot came out of Barbara’s continued interest in developing her technical photographic skills. She was introduced to Richard Reens, a well-known and highly respected photographer and film director. In a conversation with Richard, Barbara related the story of Stany Nyandwi’s incredible life story and his unbelievable skill in communicating with chimpanzees. Soon
the two of them, along with Lewis, created a plan to tell Stany’s story to the world through a short documentary. Today, Barbara and Lewis live in Dallas, dividing their time there between their ranch in northern Colorado and regular trips to Africa. While in Dallas, Lewis ‘works’ for Ashley in her two companies and Barbara immerses herself in the post-production of her photographs. They treasure their time there spent with their Ashley and two grandchildren, Elise (9) and Carson (8).